Updated version coming to AMAZON soon!

Iumentis Saga: Until They Squeak No More.

The Corpse of Cloud Breaker

Life-Breathers are known for their size. Often called a Dragon or Draegoniat, Life-Breathers are massive creatures given credit for creating and protecting life, as well as annihilating any threats to Vaelia, the world where Iumentis Saga takes place.

These megalithic behemoths are star-faring creatures of both living flesh and machinery. They are the pinnacle of biological science and technology. Most host their own intense level of heat and gravity, as all Life-Breathers larger than a hundred meters in length, from bladed snout to nuclear tail, possess a star for a heart engine called a Dysolian Core. Why harvest a star with a Dyson Sphere when you can package it and take it with you?

Life-Breathers are capable of full planetary manipulation. If the need comes, the entire continental plate will reshape to their will. All of civilization on Vaelia give their free-willed existence credit to these massive beasts. However, that free will often brings the wrath of these Life-Breathers. When civilization threatens Vaelia, as it often does, with that threat comes the purge and reset of the entire continent. All life gets annihilated and all of the technological discoveries by that civilization along with it. The landscape gets melted, regrown, and life breathed once again. The Animalia that now inhabit the unexplored continent are given basic slivers of knowledge to help them get started at building specific types of a civilization. They have no knowledge that where they build their cities, resides only a few thousand feet above the flattened smear of what came before them.

Only through the carelessness of routine, had the Life-Breathers missed a piece of technology or a piece of knowledge. That artifact gave the next civilization a head start, and with enough pieces surviving the next purge, the next civilization acquired an even greater head start. No Animalia or Feralia alive knows just how many of these resets their world has undergone except that it numbers in the THOUSANDS, but one fact is assured; Animalia and Feralia have found a way to fight back.

Killing the first Life-Breather should have been the wake-up call that the Dragon King, Kaeliathra, needed to send forth all of his might to reset the planet's crust entirely. The arrogance he was programmed with allowed civilization to not only kill and reverse-engineer Life-Breathers, but eternally guard against them from continued purges. Most of the world has been purge-free for thousands of years, but the time of retaliation is on the horizon. The scale of destruction required to reset the newest threats in a wilder Vaelia is so great that the Life-Breathers will have to unleash their full potential or risk extinction. This need to escalate the intensity of the purge has become an even greater threat to this precious world both Dragon and Animalia call home.


Not all creatures are given the choice between fight or flight. In this second installment to Iumentis Saga, you either run or you get devoured. Though there are some in this world with the power to fight back, those creatures number few.

With tears in his eyes, glass shards stuck deep into his skin, his tired lungs ready to burst, and pulled muscles and heartbreak threatening to throw him across the ground, the rabbit thumps and kicks and fights with desperation to keep ahead of those chomping teeth. Is this nightmare another dream? Have those dreams even been about him?

Whimpering and crying out each time his cut foot splits the ground open to evade another bite, the rabbit knows better. He is not going to make it home. He is not going to survive this. This is not a tale about how he fought, overcame the monsters, and survived. This is about how a rabbit gave a half-decent chase, entertained bored royals, and died. He knows he is not making it home, because these four massive wolves smile and challenge him to put on a better fight. They toss him around. They step on him. They bite him. He never really stood a chance.

He is but a toy to their game, and this nightmare has only just begun.

Iron-Soled Hock-Guards

This is the weapon of choice for a lapin soldier. Iron on your padded foot guarantees a firm thump. When you possess small hands with not much grip due to soft-furred palms, strapping one of these mallets to your foot is an effective way to make a statement.

Iron-Soled Hock-Guards come in many designs. Need to mine out that limestone for a den expansion? Strap on a mining shiv. Need to split a hard melon or nut? Strap on a holder-foot and a spike or wedge. Need to flatten steel? Equip a lapin blacksmith anvil and get to drumming! Need better grip to help you run faster and jump higher? Make sure your iron-sole is instead made of rubber with a wide non-circular treading. It would allow your lapin foot to better scale walls or race through soft terrain.